Privacy Policy

This policy talks about how we deal and treat your personal information, specifically with the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons in the regarding the protection of personal data and their free movement (RPGD) and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the protection of personal data and guarantee of digital rights (LOPDGD).

Identification of the person in charge of the treatment

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and in art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016, regarding the right to information that assists, we inform you that, by accepting this Privacy Policy, the User (in Go ahead the “user”) is informed and lends its free, informed, specific and unequivocal consent so that the personal data it facilitates through the website located in the URL, (hereinafter, the “website”) are treated by:

  • Identification: Lambda Automotive, S.L
  • CIF: B92995901 
  • Address: 29130 Alhaurín de la Torre – Málaga (España) Avda. Doña Ana, Nave 7 (T6 B178) P.I. IV Fase
  • Phone: +34 952 41 29 53
  • Email:
  • Domain name:
  • Registration data: Malaga Mercantile Registry, Volume 4643, Book 3551, Folio 85, MA-101364 sheet, Registration 1.

Origin and categories of treated data

The personal data that Lambda Automotive deals with, come directly from their customers and users. The data categories discussed are:

  • Identification data: name, surname, DNI/NIF/CIF, postal address, email address, postal code, telephone.
  • User identification codes or keys.
  • Postal or electronic addresses.
  • Commercial information.
  • Economic and banking data.

No specially protected data are treated. The requested personal data are mandatory, so that the refusal to supply can be the impossibility of carrying out the provision of services or the acquisition of the contracted assets. In the event that the user provides third party data, he says he has their consent and undertakes to transfer the information contained in this clause, exempting Lambda Automotive from any responsibility in this regard. However, Lambda Automotive will be able to carry out the verifications to verify this fact, adopting the due diligence measures that correspond, in accordance with the data protection regulations.

Purpose of the treatment and nature of the data collected

Web clients

When you acquire a product in our online store, the data that you provide will be used to process, send and invoice the acquired products. In order to make orders in the online store, each client will voluntarily provide and under their responsibility, their personal data must be truthful and exact. The user who formalizes the online purchase process, declares to be the head of the information provided, or failing that, have authorization of the person in whose name the management.

Registered users

The information that proportions in the registration form is used for user management of the website, so that you can access your profile, the online platform, consult your orders and make your purchases without having to enter Again your identification data. Before making an order, users must be registered in the “My account” section so that we can process the order based on the client’s fiscal data, such as address, DNI or contact data.

Subscribers to Newsletter

In cases where you grant us your consent as provided in article 21 of the Information Society Services Law, we will use your identification and contact data to send you information about news of your interest and about our products and services.

Data treatment duration

Lambda Automotive will retain the personal data of the users only during the time necessary for the realization of the purposes for which they were collected, as long as it does not revoke the consent granted. Subsequently, if necessary, you will keep the information blocked legally established or the term established by law for any action that may become treatment.

Web clients

The information will be kept during the necessary period to manage the delivery and billing of the acquired products; Subsequently, the information will be kept for the monitoring of commercial actions during the period of prescription of legal shares and overcome said period will be suppressed.

Registered users

The information of the registered users will be kept indefinitely unless the user requests the decline as a registered user.


The information of commercial communications recipients will be preserved indefinitely unless the user requests the decline in the reception of new communications.

Legitimation in data processing

The legitimation for the processing of the user data by Lambda Automotive to carry out the registration and registration of the User on the platform is in the consent of the interested party, requested for the specific case.

For its part, the management of the contracting of products or services, payment, billing and corresponding shipments, is legitimized by the execution of the contract itself.

In addition, data processing in order to send electronic newsletters with offers, promotions and news related to our services, commercial and/or promotional information, are also based on the legitimate interest of Lambda Automotive to carry out such agreement treatments with current regulations.

The consent obtained for the aforementioned purposes are independent, so the user can revoke one or more of them not affecting others.

Likewise, user information may be used for compliance with the different legal obligations of Lambda Automotive.


Automated decisions, profiles and applied logic:

The company will not make automated decisions, profiles or logic applied to its data.

International data and transfers recipients

What recipients will your data communicate?

  • To banks and financial entities for the collection of the services offered.
  • To the Office of Consumers and Users in case of any claim.
  • To manufacturers, technical services and/or wholesalers in the case of guarantees or repairs. To those transport companies that may be in charge of sending customers of the corresponding orders.
  • In legally established cases, as is the case of security forces and bodies.
  • To the public administrations to which Lambda Automotive has to provide information on the occasion of compliance with our legal obligations.

User rights

The interested party can exercise the following rights:

  • Right to request access to your personal data.
  • Right to request your rectification or suppression.
  • Right to request the limitation of your treatment.
  • Right to oppose treatment.
  • Right to data portability.
  • Right to withdraw the consent given.

In certain circumstances, those interested may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case they will only be preserved for the exercise or defense of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, those interested may oppose the processing of their data. In this case, the entity will stop treating the data, except for imperative legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

If consent is granted for some concrete purpose, the user has the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the prior consent to their withdrawal.

The exercise of the aforementioned rights is very personal, so it will be necessary for the user to prove their identity. To exercise the aforementioned rights provided for in the legislation, the user can address Lambda Automotive, S.L. through email A: or by writing addressed to the Avda. Doña Ana address, ship 7 (T6 B178) P.I. IV Phase, 29130, Alhaurín de la Torre · Málaga (Spain).

The communication will contain the following data and documents:

  • Name and surname of the interested party, attaching photocopy of the ID or other valid document that identifies it and, where appropriate, of the person who represents it; The use of electronic signature will exempt from the presentation of these documents.
  • Indication of the address of the interested party and request in which the application is specified (the right that is intended to be exercised). In the event that your rights are violated regarding the protection of your personal data, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a claim before the competent data protection control authority through competent data From your website:


Lambda Automotive complies with the guidelines of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, of April 27, 2016 regarding the protection of natural persons in regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these Data (RGPD), as well as Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Person of the user’s personal data.


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Lambda Automotive reserves the right to modify this privacy policy in accordance with the applicable legislation at all times. Therefore, it is recommended that the user periodically review this privacy policy in order to be informed of the treatment and protection of personal data, as well as the rights that assist him.

Applicable legislation

This policy will be governed and interpreted according to Spanish legislation, as well as the resolution of any controversy or divergence related to this website. The use of the services of this website implies the express acceptance of the Spanish jurisdiction.

Last update: 07/29/2021